Brittney Johnson's Professional Portfolio
Marketing & Communications Director
Brittney Johnson  has traveled the world studying regenerative solutions for communities and the earth through living in eco-villages, farm stays, and earth-centered, indigenous rooted gatherings. She has recently co-founded a regenerative business agency, Triple Bottom Line, supporting our transformation of the business ecoscape aligning with passion and purpose.

Brittney recently cofounded Gaia Sky Conscious Creations — weaving worlds and connecting living systems organizations to support flow of communication and resources, optimizing access to prosperous solutions for the earth, body and communities. 

A few years ago she founded Fruit The World. Planting fruit trees is one of the juiciest solutions for encouraging healthy biodiversity for the earth...and fruits assist the body in healing itself. She was led to the wisdom of fruits, herbs and fasting while experiencing various diagnosed "chronic and autoimmune conditions" and formed a personal practice, Top of the Mountain Healing, to assist others in the remembrance of their innate self-regenerating powers.

Connecting to the Heart through Story
Crafting an Experience

Current Resume [click to read]
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